How to make crispy potato chips at home ?

How to make crispy potato chips at home

How to make crispy potato chips at home ?

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Last Updated on July 15, 2021 by blessmyfoodbypayal

How to make crispy potato chips at home | aloo chips recipe (fried & baked) with step wise pictorial and video method.

Potato chips or call it potato waffers or aloo chips, you need no reason and no season to enjoy them. They are our best friends when hunger pangs provoke, best companion while alone or wanna  instrument to play the music. (crunch cruch in mouth)…Lol.

Potato chips are look to be an easy recipe but actually they are bit tricky. Right from choosing the right kind of potatoes, properly removing their starch, frying/baking on right temperature are to be followed to the T.

So here we go to learn how to make crispy potato chips at home…


To make the perfect kind of chips, you obviously need to choose the best suitable potatoes.

Fresh, firm, and the one free from sprouts are the best for making chips.

They have a reddish skin and you choose the big sized one.

See here below in picture. One type of potatoes have brown skin and the others have red. Red is the right choice.

And if you yourself is not good at identifying the right one, better ask the vendor to give you potatoes for making chips. Yes, mention to him about the chips in particular.

It’s not that chips can’t be made with other kind of potatoes, but yes, the results will be not be as expected.


Such slicers are conveniently available in market and even almost every family has such slicers.

Though you have not specially and separately purchased potato slicer but most of the graters (kept in every kitchen) do come with potato slicers as an option.

Go to your kitchen and check your grater.

Furthermore, you can slice potatoes if you have food processor.


If your grater doesn’t have an option of potato slicer and you are intending to make chips, don’t disappoint. There’s another way out.

The first method is to cut the potatoes with knife, though this is tedious job. To cut entire potato equally thin, you need to be a pro. So this is for you to see whether you can comply with this method or not.

The second method is easy but it is somewhat kind of compromise with the shape of chips.

You can slice potatoes with peeler we use to peel the skin of fruits or vegetables. Peel entire potato into strips and make them like chips.

Taste and texture will be the same as chips except shape. Again your call please.


This is the beauty of this recipe that you don’t need to dry potatoes before frying.

You might have noticed that usually potatoes are sun dried for making chips. And if not sun dried, then at least they are to be pat dried on a kitchen towel.

But here in this recipe, there’s no need to dry potatoes at all in frying method. Though we pat dried them on towel for a minute or two, which is not a big job, we suppose. What you say?

How to make crispy potato chips at home


Though the alum has a very small role to play for 15 to 20 seconds only but it’s role is very vital.

Alum will help to remove the starch from potatoes and at the same time don’t let potatoes to change their colour. So never try to skip alum.

Alum is English name for fitkari, also spelled as phitkari. It is easily available in grossery shops.

It is a kind of transparent salt substance which is used in cooking as well as medicinal purpose.


Sprinkling salted water while frying helps the potatoes in absorbing less oil so that you can have non sticky less oily chips.


Absolutely yes. There’s no use of dairy or animal product in the recipe. Furthermore there’s no product with gluten.

It is a simple recipe with just potatoes, oil and few spices.


If you are looking at this snack from health point of view, then baked version is the best.

It has no oil, not at all. So being low in calories, this is suitable to health conscious people.

On the other hand, if we talk about taste, then this is not a hidden fact that deep fried foods are always have a upper hand over the baked one.

Because of high energy and calorie level, greasy deep fried chips are more delicious.

By saying so doesn’t mean that baked chips aren’t good at taste but yes, little lesser than fried one.


If you have already read the recipe below, you must have noticed that while baking chips, it is suggested to open the door of oven after every 6 to 8 minutes.

Actually, doing so will help the chips to become crispy by releasing out the steam collected inside.


What spices are available to you or what flavouring you want to cherish, seasoning depends on that.

We divided chips in 3 portions. Sprinkled salt and chilli for spicy flavour, rock salt for eating chips during fasting and onion powder & salt for onion flavoured chips.

You can go for chat masala for chatpata flavour. Tomato powder will give them taste of tomato chips.

So this list can be varied and elaborate. Play with your own whims.

But it is important to note that you must season them while they are still warm. That way, spices will stick to them and coat properly.


This is well known that chips tend to turn soggy if exposed to air for a long time.

So they should always be kept in airtight container when not in serving. Stays good for 2 to 3 weeks.

Also see other recipes which can be served as a dry snack



How to make crispy potato chips at home

Step wise pictorial recipe of how to make crispy potato chips at home


  1. Take the potatoes suitable for making chips (read details in the beginning of post).
  2. Peel the skin of potatoes and put them in a bowl carrying water. Level of water must be above the potatoes so that potatoes must sink completely.
  3. Add a piece of alum/fitkari in water just for 15 to 20 seconds.
  4. Now remove alum from the water.
  5. Let potatoes remain in water for 10 minutes.
  6. After 10 minutes, take each potato one by one and slice them into discs using chips slicer.


  1. Take some discs and add to oil which must be smoking hot. Don’t put them all jointly but separate each disc and then add to oil, otherwise, they will stick to each other.
  2. While the potato discs begin to dry, bring the heat to medium.
  3. Sprinkle salted water on the frying discs.
  4. In 4 to 5 minutes, chips will begin to turn slightly brown. However from their appearance, you will be able to guess that they are done now.
  5. Immediately take them out from oil on a paper nepkip.


  1. Spread the potato discs on a kitchen towel and pat them dry for a minute or two.
  2. Arrange them on a baking tray lined with parchment or greased butter paper. Don’t overlap them.
  3. Place the tray in preheated oven @200°C in the middle rack.
  4. Bake for about 20 minutes or until the sides of potato discs begin to get brown spots.
  5. BUT, during the entire duration of baking, keep opening the door of oven after every 6 to 8 minutes to release out the steam.
  6. Once done, take the tray out and remove chips from tray.


  1. Better sprinkle the spices on chips while they are warm.
  2. Divide the chips in as many portions, as much flavouring you want to give.
  3. Keep them in airtight once they turn completely cool.


How to make crispy potato chips at home


  1. Quantity of potatoes is no bar. take as many as you want. More the potatoes, more the chips.
  2. Not to worry about the colour of potatoes turning brown. Once potatoes left for rest in alum water for 10 minutes, they will not become dark.
  3. Before frying potato slices, no need to pat dry them. Add directly to oil.
  4. But need to pat dry slices before baking.

How to make crispy potato chips at home – recipe card

How to make crispy potato chips at home

How to make crispy potato chips at home | aloo chips recipe (fried & baked)

Both deep fried and baked versions, here you will find the no fail method how to make crispy potato chips at home
5 from 8 votes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Rest time 10 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine world
Servings 1 medium bowl


  • Potato slicer or food processor
  • big bowl
  • frying pan
  • Oven



  • 4 potatoes big sized
  • Small piece of alum/fitkari
  • Water as per need


  • potato slices
  • Oil for frying
  • Salted water as per need


  • Potato slices
  • Oil for greasing tray

FOR FLAVOURING CHIPS (as per personal choice)

  • Red chilli powder & salt for spicy flavoured
  • Rock salt for eating in fast/vrat
  • Onion powder + salt for onion flavoured



  • Take the potatoes suitable for making chips (read details in the beginning of post).
  • Peel the skin of potatoes and put them in a bowl carrying water. Level of water must be above the potatoes so that potatoes must sink completely.
  • Add a piece of alum/fitkari in water just for 15 to 20 seconds.
  • Now remove alum from the water.
  • Let potatoes remain in water for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, take each potato one by one and slice them into discs using chips slicer.


  • Take some discs and add to oil which must be smoking hot. Don't put them all jointly but separate each disc and then add to oil, otherwise, they will stick to each other.
  • While the potato discs begin to dry, bring the heat to medium.
  • Sprinkle salted water on the frying discs.
  • In 4 to 5 minutes, chips will begin to turn slightly brown. However from their appearance, you will be able to guess that they are done now.
  • Immediately take them out from oil on a paper nepkip.


  • Spread the potato discs on a kitchen towel and pat them dry for a minute or two.
  • Arrange them on a baking tray lined with parchment or greased butter paper. Don't overlap them.
  • Place the tray in preheated oven @200°C in the middle rack.
  • Bake for about 20 minutes or until the sides of potato discs begin to get brown spots.
  • BUT, during the entire duration of baking, keep opening the door of oven after every 6 to 8 minutes to release out the steam.
  • Once done, take the tray out and remove chips from tray.


  • Better sprinkle the spices on chips while they are warm.
  • Divide the chips in as many portions, as much flavouring you want to give.
  • Keep them in airtight once they turn completely cool.
  • Enjoy.


  1. Quantity of potatoes is no bar. take as many as you want. More the potatoes, more the chips.
  2. Not to worry about the colour of potatoes turning brown. Once potatoes left for rest in alum water for 10 minutes, they will not become dark. 
  3. Before frying potato slices, no need to pat dry them. Add directly to oil.
  4. But need to pat dry slices before baking.
Keyword aloo chips, potato chips, potato snacks, potato waffers

How to make crispy potato chips at home

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  • Jagruti's Cooking Odyssey
    Posted at 15:59h, 26 November Reply

    Now for us Brits, these are crisps! Simply enjoy them with my ploughman sandwich..beautifully written post!

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 16:11h, 26 November Reply

      Thanks heaps

  • Sandhya Ramakrishnan
    Posted at 23:44h, 10 November Reply

    5 stars
    That is a very descriptive post and you have covered all the questions that one might have when making potato chips at home. Looks so wonderful and thanks for sharing the baked version as well.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 17:58h, 11 November Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Sasmita Sahoo
    Posted at 17:55h, 06 November Reply

    5 stars
    Love each steps which you have explained so well here . I think all are fan of these crunchy bites.
    I wanna pick a bowl of this right away ;P

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 19:02h, 10 November Reply

      Thank you heaps

  • Priya Srinivasan
    Posted at 16:03h, 06 November Reply

    5 stars
    Wow those potato chips are real tempting, love the levitation photograph!! Brillaint. Love how detailed the recipe is, covering all points! thanks for mentioning about the potateos, we do try making the similar way, but not as crisp as yours, now i will try with red potateos

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 17:55h, 06 November Reply

      Little bit of punctualities and the crispy potato chips can be your’s. Thank you for writing in.

  • Mayuri Patel
    Posted at 13:34h, 05 November Reply

    5 stars
    It has been ages since I’ve made potato chips at home. Use to do that when my kids were younger as I didn’t like the smelly oily ready made chips. Homemade chips taste so different from what we get in those packets in the market. Love the 1st click.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 19:03h, 10 November Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Poonam Bachhav
    Posted at 11:50h, 05 November Reply

    5 stars
    Who doesn’t like crispy seasoned potato chips ! With your detailed posts and all the tips , one can easily make these chips at home . I would love trying out the baked version soon.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 19:03h, 10 November Reply

      Thank you

  • Sandhya Nadkarni
    Posted at 22:29h, 04 November Reply

    5 stars
    What a beautifully captured step by step recipe! Homemade potato chips taste like no other. Thanks for sharing.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 19:04h, 10 November Reply

      Thanks a lot

  • Lata Lala
    Posted at 18:08h, 04 November Reply

    5 stars
    Potato chips are everyone’s favourite and making it can’t be easier than this after reading your detailed description in the post.
    You have covered it all do and don’ts and one can not go wrong making these perfect.
    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 18:10h, 04 November Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Vandana
    Posted at 16:40h, 01 November Reply

    5 stars
    Great post Payal. I never thought making such crispy chips at home is possible. Thanks for all the tips, very useful.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 20:53h, 01 November Reply

      Thanks a bunch

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