7 cup barfi recipe

7 cup barfi recipe

7 cup barfi recipe

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Last Updated on October 30, 2021 by blessmyfoodbypayal

7 cup barfi recipe | 7 cup cake recipe | 7 cup burfi is one of the most delectable sweet recipe we have tried since now.

This 7 cup barfi is also named as 7 cup cake & is having its roots in south India. It’s making process is close to Mysore Pak except the present one is comparatively easy and simple. You need no practice or expertise in making 7 cup barfi what you require somewhat in making Mysore Pak.

This instant 7 cup barfi recipe is quite a unique name & has borrowed this name from the measurement of ingredients used in it. However let us make it clear that 7 cup DOESN’T mean 7 ingredients to the quantity of 1 cup each, making a total of 7 cup ingredients.

7 CUP means the ingredients are equal to the quantity of 7 MEASUREMENTS. To make this recipe, you need 5 ingredients in total. 4 ingredients are in one measurement each & 5th ingredient is of the thrice measurement. Like, you need :-

Besan – 1 measurement
Desi Ghee – 1 measurement
Coconut – 1 measurement
Milk – 1 measurement and
Sugar – 3 measurements.

We have used the word “measurement” instead of “cup” to avoid any confusion.

CUP gives an impression that you need the ingredients as per cup size but it is not so actually.  You need to take the ingredients as per equal measurement.

For example, if you are taking Besan equal to, supposingly, 5 tbsp, then you have to take coconut, ghee & milk too equal to 5 tbsps each & sugar thrice of 5 tbsp i.e. 5 × 3 = 15 tbsps.

So whatever is your measurement of 1st ingredient, take the rest of the ingredients accordingly as per your need & the best part is that you don’t require the professional measuring cups to make it. Choose any utensil from your kitchen and proceed accordingly.

Here, our 1 MEASUREMENT is equal to HALF CUP because we needed barfi just for 3  to 4 persons & with the measurement of half cup, we managed to get about 40 pieces of barfi, which were more than enough.

Yes, the sugar must have been 1.50 cup which we felt that was on a high side so reduced it to 1.25 cup.

However, on making the barfi, we realized that even 1 cup could be more appropriate but no issues. Let it be next time. So you can decide sugar as per your need instead of strictly following the measurement data.

So try this delicious recipe on any occasion & festival. Also have a look at other sweets recipes & Diwali recipes in this blog.



Step wise pictorial method of 7 cup barfi recipe

  1. Please note that entire cooking process from beginning to end has to be done on LOW FLAME & you have to do NON STOP STIRRING. Now to begin with, dry roast besan in a heavy bottom pan for 3 to 4 minutes. Make sure don’t let the colour of besan change.7 cup barfi recipe
  2. Then add rest of the ingredients i.e. desi ghee, coconut, milk, sugar and mix well.easy 7 cup barfi recipe
  3. After couple of minutes, the mixture will turn into liquid. Keep on cooking with continuous stirring so that mixture shouldn’t stick to the bottom of pan.7 cup barfi recipe
  4. With each passing minute, mixture will keep on becoming thick but don’t stop stirring.7 cup barfi recipe
  5. After between 15 to 20 minutes, mixture will become like a mass & start leaving the sides of the pan. Also, on careful reading, ghee will be seen separated from the mixture.7 cup barfi recipe
  6. Immediately switch off the flame and spread the mixture over the greased plate/tray in no time.7 cup sweet ingredients
  7. When the spreaded mixture turns little but not completely cool, mark the cuts in it giving the shape of barfi.Instant 7 cup barfi recipe
  8. Once cool down completely, your 7 cup barfi is ready. Enjoy.

7 cup barfi recipe


  1. Undoubtedly making this 7 cup barfi is one of the easiest barfi recipe but the switching timing of flame is very crucial. If you will not switch off the flame on time, barfi becomes crumbly & will not set at all.
    Furthermore, take no time between switching off the flame and spreading the mixture. Do it immediately because even the slightly cooled down mixture will not spread & set properly. Better grease the plate/tray before you start the cooking process.
  2. Stirring is very important in this recipe. If you stop stirring, the mixture will stick to the bottom & all your efforts and ingredients will go waste. We were tired of continuous stirring but couldn’t afford to stop, otherwise you know. That is why heavy bottom pan is recommended although with heavy bottom too, you can’t take a chance.
  3. Next important point is how to deal with failure. Here, the only possibility of failure arises when you over cook the mixture. The mixture will turn crumbly and not going to set. Once we went through it so knows how to dealt with.
  4. While we were spreading the mixture, it wasn’t spreading properly due to overcooking. We returned the mixture back to cooking pan and added few tablespoons of milk and sugar. Switched the flame on to low and started mixing it. As the mixture was hard & wasn’t turning into liquid easily, we mashed the mixture with potato masher. Then cooked the mixture carefully to the required consistency and then spreaded.
  5. You are suggested to remain vigilant at the initial stage so that you need not to face failure.

7 cup barfi recipe – recipe card


7 cup barfi recipe

7 cup barfi recipe

7 cup barfi recipe is a simple and delicious barfi recipe made using 7 measurements.
5 from 11 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Sweets
Cuisine South Indian
Servings 40 pieces


1 cup = 200 ml

  • 1/2 cup Besan/chickpea flour
  • 1/2 cup desi ghee
  • 1/2 cup coconut grated
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1.25  cup sugar


  • Please note that entire cooking process from beginning to end has to be done on LOW FLAME & you have to do NON STOP STIRRING. Now to begin with, dry roast besan in a heavy bottom pan for 3 to 4 minutes. Make sure don't let the colour of besan change.
  • Then add rest of the ingredients i.e. desi ghee, coconut, milk, sugar and mix well.
  • After couple of minutes, the mixture will turn into liquid. Keep on cooking with continuous stirring so that mixture shouldn't stick to the bottom of pan.
  • With each passing minute, mixture will keep on becoming thick but don't stop stirring.
  • After between 15 to 20 minutes, mixture will become like a mass & start leaving the sides of the pan. Also, on careful reading, ghee will be seen separated from the mixture.
  • Immediately switch off the flame and spread the mixture over the greased plate/tray in no time.
  • When the spreaded mixture turns little but not completely cool, mark the cuts in it giving the shape of barfi.
  • Once cool down completely, your 7 cup barfi is ready. Enjoy.


  1. Undoubtedly making this 7 cup barfi is one of the easiest barfi recipe but the switching timing of flame is very crucial. If you will not switch off the flame on time, barfi becomes crumbly & will not set at all.
    Furthermore, take no time between switching off the flame and spreading the mixture. Do it immediately because even the slightly cooled down mixture will not spread & set properly. Better grease the plate/tray before you start the cooking process.
  2. Stirring is very important in this recipe. If you stop stirring, the mixture will stick to the bottom & all your efforts and ingredients will go waste. We were tired of continuous stirring but couldn't afford to stop, otherwise you know. That is why heavy bottom pan is recommended although with heavy bottom too, you can't take a chance.
  3. Next important point is how to deal with failure. Here, the only possiblity of failure arises when you over cook the mixture. The mixture will turn crumbly and not going to set. Once we went through it so knows how to dealt with.
  4. While we were spreading the mixture, it wasn't spreading properly due to overcooking. We returned the mixture back to cooking pan and added few tablespoons of milk and sugar. Switched the flame on to low and started mixing it. As the mixture was hard & wasn't turning into liquid easily, we mashed the mixture with potato masher. Then cooked the mixture carefully to the required consistency and then spreaded.
  5. You are suggested to remain vigilant at the initial stage so that you need not to face failure.


7 cup barfi recipe

  • Roasted Chana Barfi Recipe
    Posted at 22:25h, 24 October Reply

    […] 7 cup barfi recipe […]

  • How to make Coconut Ladoo – 3 Ingredient only | bless my food by Payal
    Posted at 14:45h, 26 October Reply

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  • Seema Sriram
    Posted at 06:32h, 01 November Reply

    5 stars
    I make 7 cup barfi for most festivals as it comes together so easily and quickly. But as you said the first couple of times it was a disaster as the timings did not really work out with the flame. Slowly and steadily stirring away now to a perfect 7 cup.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 20:54h, 01 November Reply

      Yes, initially we over roasted the mixture and as a result, mixture turned dry. But finally it was a big success. Thank you

  • Uma Srinivas
    Posted at 03:56h, 01 November Reply

    5 stars
    This is one of our favorite and Diwali sweets. I make this using oil and plant-based milk. Your recipe looks neat and delicious.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 20:55h, 01 November Reply

      Sounds great. Thank you

  • Archana
    Posted at 13:12h, 31 October Reply

    5 stars
    7 cup barfi is one of my favourites and a must make for Diwali. I love the way you have presented it and made it.Happy Diwali to you.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 20:17h, 31 October Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Jagruti's Cooking Odyssey
    Posted at 08:47h, 31 October Reply

    A south Indian delicacy! Since we started blogging more than a decade ago I have been seeing this recipe, and it is on our to-do list. So easy and quick recipe, perfect for any celebrations!

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 20:18h, 31 October Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Priya Srinivasan
    Posted at 09:03h, 29 October Reply

    5 stars
    A classic dessert for diwali! have such fond memories of this burfi! such a detailed explanation. burfi looks perfect. Yes i totally agree, the stirring and timing is very important in the recipe!

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 00:09h, 04 November Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Pavani
    Posted at 23:39h, 28 October Reply

    5 stars
    My mom makes it quite frequently and this is one of my childhood favorite dessert. Thank you for the detailed recipe. You have now tempted me to try this recipe for Diwali 🙂

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 00:12h, 04 November Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Sasmita Sahoo
    Posted at 16:30h, 28 October Reply

    5 stars
    This is on my todo list since a long. our details seems so easy and quick to make as the festival of light is coming soon. lovely color and texture it has for sure !

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 17:13h, 28 October Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Mayuri Patel
    Posted at 14:30h, 28 October Reply

    5 stars
    Such a lovely and easy to make festival mithai. I’ve tasted 7 cup barfi but have yet to try making it at home. Initially I thought it meant that the barfi has 7 different ingredients. But of course I now know why its called that.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 14:34h, 28 October Reply

      Thanks a bunch

  • Poonam bachhav
    Posted at 04:48h, 28 October Reply

    5 stars
    We love 7 Cup burfi and i make it with jaggery instead of sugar. Love the texture of your burfi. Looks just perfect !

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 14:35h, 28 October Reply

      Great Idea. Thank you

  • Lata Lala
    Posted at 05:25h, 27 October Reply

    5 stars
    I have tried this 7 cups barfi once many years ago. Loved your clear description about barfi and it looks perfect in regards of colour and texture. The recipe is pretty simple and easy to make too.

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 07:49h, 27 October Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Rafeeda - The Big Sweet Tooth
    Posted at 08:13h, 26 October Reply

    5 stars
    I used to always wonder why it is called 7 cup. You have explained it so beautifully… I would really want to try this barfi soon… It sounds really delicious…

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 07:51h, 27 October Reply

      Thank you so much

  • Sandhya Nadkarni
    Posted at 00:30h, 23 October Reply

    5 stars
    Your barfi looks picture perfect! Love that texture and color. Do you use freshly grated coconut?

    • blessmyfoodbypayal
      Posted at 02:03h, 26 October Reply

      Yes the freshly grated coconut is used. Thank you.

  • Thomas
    Posted at 07:57h, 19 November Reply

    in fact two of my readers durga aunty and shubha has shared 7 cup burfi recipe with me. so i made a couple of times and during diwali also, but was not able to share the recipe then. hence thought of sharing the barfi recipe just before republic day. 10. mix again very well and stir so that the sugar dissolves. the mixture will also become liquid like.

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