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7 cup barfi recipe

7 cup barfi recipe

7 cup barfi recipe is a simple and delicious barfi recipe made using 7 measurements.
5 from 11 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Sweets
Cuisine South Indian
Servings 40 pieces


1 cup = 200 ml

  • 1/2 cup Besan/chickpea flour
  • 1/2 cup desi ghee
  • 1/2 cup coconut grated
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1.25  cup sugar


  • Please note that entire cooking process from beginning to end has to be done on LOW FLAME & you have to do NON STOP STIRRING. Now to begin with, dry roast besan in a heavy bottom pan for 3 to 4 minutes. Make sure don't let the colour of besan change.
  • Then add rest of the ingredients i.e. desi ghee, coconut, milk, sugar and mix well.
  • After couple of minutes, the mixture will turn into liquid. Keep on cooking with continuous stirring so that mixture shouldn't stick to the bottom of pan.
  • With each passing minute, mixture will keep on becoming thick but don't stop stirring.
  • After between 15 to 20 minutes, mixture will become like a mass & start leaving the sides of the pan. Also, on careful reading, ghee will be seen separated from the mixture.
  • Immediately switch off the flame and spread the mixture over the greased plate/tray in no time.
  • When the spreaded mixture turns little but not completely cool, mark the cuts in it giving the shape of barfi.
  • Once cool down completely, your 7 cup barfi is ready. Enjoy.


  1. Undoubtedly making this 7 cup barfi is one of the easiest barfi recipe but the switching timing of flame is very crucial. If you will not switch off the flame on time, barfi becomes crumbly & will not set at all.
    Furthermore, take no time between switching off the flame and spreading the mixture. Do it immediately because even the slightly cooled down mixture will not spread & set properly. Better grease the plate/tray before you start the cooking process.
  2. Stirring is very important in this recipe. If you stop stirring, the mixture will stick to the bottom & all your efforts and ingredients will go waste. We were tired of continuous stirring but couldn't afford to stop, otherwise you know. That is why heavy bottom pan is recommended although with heavy bottom too, you can't take a chance.
  3. Next important point is how to deal with failure. Here, the only possiblity of failure arises when you over cook the mixture. The mixture will turn crumbly and not going to set. Once we went through it so knows how to dealt with.
  4. While we were spreading the mixture, it wasn't spreading properly due to overcooking. We returned the mixture back to cooking pan and added few tablespoons of milk and sugar. Switched the flame on to low and started mixing it. As the mixture was hard & wasn't turning into liquid easily, we mashed the mixture with potato masher. Then cooked the mixture carefully to the required consistency and then spreaded.
  5. You are suggested to remain vigilant at the initial stage so that you need not to face failure.