2-3dropsKewra essence or cardamom powder or essence
Icing sugar/ powdered sugar as per need.
Cut paneer into small cubes of about 1/2 inch size. Keep aside.
In a wide pan, add sugar with water and let it cook, stirring continuously, till the sugar dissolves.
Add the milk and scum will be seen floating over the surface of water. discard this scum after collecting with the help of a spoon.
keep cooking the syrup till it attains a one-string consistency.
Add kewra essence and the cubes of paneer/cottage cheese and cook till the syrup coats the cubes well.
When the sugar syrup thickens, remove the pan from heat. Keep twiddling the cubes till the cubes are thickly coated with the syrup and separated from each other.
The sugar syrup will turn into powdered sugar.
Remove the cubes from the pan, place them in serving plate and sprinkle some icing sugar/powdered sugar over them.