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Bread with homemade yeast recipe | Khamir bread recipe | bread with homemade sourdough starter

Bread with homemade yeast recipe | Khamir bread recipe | bread with homemade sourdough starter

Bread with homemade yeast recipe is the easy way to bake a bread at home when dry yeast is not available.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Resting time 5 hours
Total Time 1 hour
Course Breakfast
Cuisine world
Servings 4


  • 2.5 cup all purpose flour/maida
  • 1 cup homemade yeast/khamir
  • 2 tbsp oil + for greasing
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • Butter as needed
  • Milk as per need
  • Luke warm water as per need.


  • Take a wide paraat and add maida.
  • Create a well in the centre of it.
  • Add oil, salt, sugar and homemade yeast in it.
  • First begin to assemble everything without adding water.
  • Then start adding very little water at a time and begin to knead the dough.
  • You really have to put a lot in kneading for about 8 to 10 minutes by flipping and stretching the dough. That's why we have taken wide paraat. If you don't have any such wide platter, then put the dough at the clean shelf of kitchen and follow this step.
  • Grease some bowl and put the dough in it. Also apply some oil over the dough too.
  • Cover the dough with cling film and leave the bowl at some warm place in kitchen for proofing for 4 hours.
  • After 4 hours, dough will be double in size.
  • Remove the cling film and pinch the dough to release air out of it.
  • Take out about 1 cup of dough & put it in some airtight container. This is your YEAST/KHAMIR for next batch of bread or any recipe calls for yeast. Next time, whenever (within 7 days) you want to bake bread or anything else like pizza base or naan, use it the same way we are using here in making this recipe. Can keep this yeast in refrigerator for 7 days. To know more accurately about this yeast, click here
  • Next, knead the rest of the dough for about 2-3 minutes and give it a cylindrical shape.
  • Put it in a greased loaf tin, cover it with the cling film and place it for second proofing at some warm place in kitchen for 1 hours.
  • After one hour, this dough will be raised and size is also enhanced.
  • Brush it with milk generously.
  • Bake in a pre-heated oven @180℃ in the middle rack with both the rods on for 30 to 35 minutes or until you get a golden top.
  • Take out the tin and rub the butter on hot bread to give it a glaze.
  • When the bread is still hot, take it out from the tin by running a knife on all the sides of bread.
  • Wrap hot bread in a damp cloth so that it doesn't turn crusty.
  • Cut into thin slices once it turns cools completely.
  • Your bread with homemade yeast is ready.


Replace all purpose flour with wheat flour or 50:50 both.